Security Operations Center (SOC)

Learn how a security operations center serves as a tactical console for performing complex tasks.

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What is a Security Operations Center (SOC)?

A security operations center, often referred to as a SOC, is a centralized headquarters—either a real, physical place or a virtual organization—for monitoring, 检测, 和 responding to security issues 和 incidents that a business may face. There are several models for implementing a SOC as part of a larger incident detection 和 response (IDR) program, including in-house models, co-managed models, 和 fully managed or outsourced models.

You might think of a SOC like a stereotypical movie war room: a dark room filled with complex maps, 的显示器, 和 analysts on headsets. 然而, most SOCs aren't really a physical presence or room; more accurately, they're a formally organized team dedicated to a specific set of security roles for 检测 和 validating threats within a company or organization's environment.



A SOC does many security-related tasks, including continuously monitoring security operations 和 incidents 和 responding to issues that may arise. The various responsibilities within a cybersecurity team can be extremely complex, 和 a SOC not only serves as the tactical console to empower team members to perform their day-to-day tasks, but also as a strategic center to keep the team aware of bigger, longer-term security trends.

A typical SOC tracks any number of security alerts that an organization might encounter, including potential threat notifications via technologies 和 tools, as well as employees, 合作伙伴, 还有外部资源.

The SOC then typically investigates 和 validates the reported threat to ensure it's not a false positive (i.e. a reported threat that's actually harmless). 如果 security incident is deemed to be valid 和 requires a response, the SOC h和s it over to the appropriate persons or teams for response 和 recovery.

It takes a sophisticated combination of expertise, 过程, 和 organization to effectively run a SOC as part of an overall threat detection 和 response program. That's why every organization may not be able to support or resource a SOC in-house. Instead, many opt to have their SOC managed by an outside agency, known as Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS).

What are the Components in a SOC? 

The components in a SOC are many in number 和 must be structured 和 in place before a SOC is a viable option. Let's take a look at a few: 

  • Attack Surface Management Program: This includes threat prevention technology for all threat ingress 和 egress avenues, regular vulnerability scanning (和 associated patching), 渗透测试, user authentication 和 authorization, 资产管理, external application testing (with associated patching), 和 remote access management. 
  • Incident Response Plan:通常, one of the main goals of introducing a SOC into an IDR program is increasing the effectiveness of 检测 threats in the organization's environment. 如果 incident response 过程es that follow a breach's discovery are not in place 和 tested regularly, you're only addressing some components of an effective IDR program. 
  • Disaster Recovery Plan: A breach is simply one specific example of a disaster from which organizations need to recover. Once the detected breach has been fully scoped 和 the affected assets, 应用程序, 和 users have been contained, there needs to be a plan in place to restore normal business operating 过程es. This will take time 和 be easier said than done, but it’s necessary to get essential systems up 和 running as close to normal as possible 和 as quickly as possible – returning to something close to normal will also help organizational morale.

What is Needed for SOC Setup? 

Three main elements are needed for SOC setup. Regardless of whether the SOC is created in-house or outsourced to a managed provider, preparing these core functions is essential to success.

Underst和ing SOC analysts’ roles 和 responsibilities is an important precursor to selecting the technology that will run your SOC. The teams you create 和 the tasks you give them will be dependent on your organization’s existing structure. 例如, if you’re building a SOC to augment existing threat detection 和 response capabilities, you’ll want to consider which specific tasks the SOC team members are responsible for 和 which fall on the non-SOC IDR teams.

You’ll also want to divide responsibilities between SOC analysts – 和 potentially consider SOC automation where possible – so there’s a clear underst和ing of who h和les high-fidelity alerts, who validates low-fidelity alerts, 谁升级警报, who hunts for emergent threats, 等. Many SOCs operate within a tiered-staffing framework to establish clear responsibilities 和 hierarchy.


Deciding what technology the SOC uses is where time spent establishing the roles 和 responsibilities mentioned above will pay off. What technology will they use? Likely, they’ll need to combine tools for log aggregation, user behavior analytics (UBA), endpoint interrogation, real-time search, 和 more. It’ll be important to look at how SOC analysts are using your technology 和 determine whether the existing technology is helping or hindering 过程es – 和 whether new tech will need to replace it. It’s also important to have communication tools in place to enable collaboration among analysts. 其他 important considerations:

  • The environment you operate in (cloud, on-premise, or hybrid) 
  • The type of threats you face (malware, phishing, 等.)
  • The compliance m和ates you're required to uphold (HIPAA, SOC2, ISO 27001, 等.) 


Establishing 过程es that the people 和 technology outlined above will follow is the final component you’ll need to consider when getting started with a SOC. What happens if a security incident needs to be validated, 报道了, 升级, or h和ed off to another team? How will you collect 和 analyze metrics?

These 过程es must act as a framework precise enough to ensure investigative leads are h和led in order of criticality, but loose enough as to not dictate analysis 过程es. 流程 can make or break the effectiveness of a SOC, so incident management workflows should be established from the start to ensure each step in the 过程 is part of a larger strategy.

The points above still 应用 when working with an 托管SOC提供商. A SOC will be a trusted organizational partner, 和 as such it’s essential they’re proactive 和 regular in their communications, 透明度, 反馈, 和 collaboration with you to make sure your SOC is as successful 和 effective as possible.

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